In part one, our small React clone, Feact, was implemented far enough to do basic rendering. But once the render happens, that was it. In this part, we'll add the ability to make changes to the app with subsequent renders. This part will begin to show how the virtual DOM diffing works.

The series


This series is based on React 15.3, in particular using ReactDOM and the stack reconciler. React 16 and beyond have changed a lot. I still think this series has some value, as it does give you a general sense of how diffing works. But just keep in mind the implementation details are now quite out of date.

Simple updating

Calling setState() in a component is the primary way people cause their React apps to update. But React also supports updating through React.render(). Take this contrived example

React.render(<h1>hello</h1>, root);
setTimeout(function () {
    React.render(<h1>hello again</h1>, root);
}, 2000);

We'll ignore setState() for now (that's coming in part four) and instead implement updates through Feact.render(). Truth be told, this is simply "props have changed so update", which also happens if you render again and pass different props down to a child component. We just happen to be causing the props change through Feact.render().

Doing the update

The concept is pretty simple, Feact.render() just needs to check if it has rendered before, and if so, update the page instead of starting fresh.

const Feact = {
    render(element, container) {
        const prevComponent =
        if (prevComponent) {
            return updateRootComponent(
        } else {
            return renderNewRootComponent(element, container);
function renderNewRootComponent(element, container) {
    const wrapperElement =
        Feact.createElement(TopLevelWrapper, element);
    const componentInstance =
        new FeactCompositeComponentWrapper(wrapperElement);
    return FeactReconciler.mountComponent(
function getTopLevelComponentInContainer(container) {
    // need to figure this out
function updateRootComponent(prevComponent, nextElement) {
    // need to figure this out too

This is looking pretty promising. If we rendered before, then take the state of the previous render, grab the new desired state, and pass that off to a function that will figure out what DOM updates need to happen to update the app. Otherwise if there's no signs of a previous render, then render into the DOM exactly how we did in part one and two.

We just need to figure out the two missing pieces.

Remembering what we did

For each render, We need to store the components we created, so we can refer to them in a subsequent render. Where to store them? Why not on the DOM nodes they create?

function renderNewRootComponent(element, container) {
    const wrapperElement = Feact.createElement(TopLevelWrapper, element);
    const componentInstance = new FeactCompositeComponentWrapper(wrapperElement);
    const markUp = FeactReconciler.mountComponent(componentInstance, container);
    // new line here, store the component instance on the container
    // we want its _renderedComponent because componentInstance is just
    // the TopLevelWrapper, which we don't need for updates
    container.__feactComponentInstance = componentInstance._renderedComponent;
    return markUp;

Well, that was easy. Similarly, retrieving the stashed component is easy too:

function getTopLevelComponentInContainer(container) {
    return container.__feactComponentInstance;

Updating to the new state

This is the simple example we are working through

Feact.render(Feact.createElement('h1', null, 'hello'), root);
setTimeout(function () {
    Feact.render(Feact.createElement('h1', null, 'hello again'), root);
}, 2000);

2 seconds has elapsed, so we are now calling Feact.render() again, but this time with an element that looks like

    type: 'h1',
    props: {
        children: 'hello again'

Since Feact determined this is an update, we ended up in updateRootComponent, which is just going to delegate to the component

function updateRootComponent(prevComponent, nextElement) {

Notice a new component is not getting created. prevComponent is the component that got created during the first render, and now it's going to take a new element and update itself with it. Components get created once at mount, and live on until unmount (which, does make sense...)

class FeactDOMComponent {
    receiveComponent(nextElement) {
        const prevElement = this._currentElement;
        this.updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement);
    updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
        const lastProps = prevElement.props;
        const nextProps = nextElement.props;
        this._updateDOMProperties(lastProps, nextProps);
        this._updateDOMChildren(lastProps, nextProps);
        this._currentElement = nextElement;
    _updateDOMProperties(lastProps, nextProps) {
        // nothing to do! I'll explain why below
    _updateDOMChildren(lastProps, nextProps) {
        // finally, the component can update the DOM here
        // we'll implement this next

receiveComponent just sets up updateComponent, which ultimately calls _updateDOMProperties and _updateDOMChildren which are the meaty functions which will finally cause the actual DOM to get updated. _updateDOMProperties is mostly concerned with updating CSS styles. We're not going to implement it in this blog post series, but just pointing it out as that is the method React uses to deal with style changes.

_updateDOMChildren in React this method is pretty complex, handling a lot of different scenarios. But in Feact the children is just the text contents of the DOM element, in this case the children will go from "hello" to "hello again"

class FeactDOMComponent {
    _updateDOMChildren(lastProps, nextProps) {
        const lastContent = lastProps.children;
        const nextContent = nextProps.children;
        if (!nextContent) {
        } else if (lastContent !== nextContent) {
            this.updateTextContent('' + nextContent);
    updateTextContent(text) {
        const node = this._hostNode;
        const firstChild = node.firstChild;
        if (firstChild && firstChild === node.lastChild
                && firstChild.nodeType === 3) {
            firstChild.nodeValue = text;
        node.textContent = text;

Feact's version of _updateDOMChildren is hopelessly stupid, but this is all we need for our learning purposes.

Updating composite components

The work we did above was fine and all, but we can only update FeactDOMComponents. In other words, this won't work

    Feact.createElement(MyCoolComponent, { myProp: 'hello' }),
setTimeout(function () {
        Feact.createElement(MyCoolComponent, { myProp: 'hello again' }),
}, 2000);

Updating composite components is much more interesting and where a lot of the power in React lies. The good news is, a composite component will ultimately boil down to a FeactDOMComponent, so all the work we did above won't go to waste.

Even more good news, updateRootComponent has no idea what kind of component it received. It just blindly calls receiveComponent on it. So all we need to do is add receiveComponent to FeactCompositeComponentWrapper and we're good!

class FeactCompositeComponentWrapper {
    receiveComponent(nextElement) {
        const prevElement = this._currentElement;
        this.updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement);
    updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
        const nextProps = nextElement.props;
        this._performComponentUpdate(nextElement, nextProps);
    _performComponentUpdate(nextElement, nextProps) {
        this._currentElement = nextElement;
        const inst = this._instance;
        inst.props = nextProps;
    _updateRenderedComponent() {
        const prevComponentInstance = this._renderedComponent;
        const inst = this._instance;
        const nextRenderedElement = inst.render();

It's a little silly to spread such little logic across four methods, but it will make more sense as we progress. These four methods are also what is found in React's ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.

Ultimately the update boils down to calling render with the current set of props. Take the resulting element and passing it on to the _renderedComponent, and telling it to update. _renderedComponent could be another FeactCompositeComponentWrapper, or possibly a FeactDOMComponent. It was created during the first render.

Let's use FeactReconciler again

Mounting components always goes through FeactReconciler, so updating them should to. This isn't that important for Feact, but it keeps us consistent with React.

const FeactReconciler = {
    receiveComponent(internalInstance, nextElement) {
function updateRootComponent(prevComponent, nextElement) {
    FeactReconciler.receiveComponent(prevComponent, nextElement);
class FeactCompositeComponentWrapper {
    _updateRenderedComponent() {
        const prevComponentInstance = this._renderedComponent;
        const inst = this._instance;
        const nextRenderedElement = inst.render();
            prevComponentInstance, nextRenderedElement);

shouldComponentUpdate and componentWillReceiveProps

We can now easily add these two lifecycle methods into Feact.

class FeactCompositeComponentWrapper {
    updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
        const nextProps = nextElement.props;
        const inst = this._instance;
        if (inst.componentWillReceiveProps) {
        let shouldUpdate = true;
        if (inst.shouldComponentUpdate) {
            shouldUpdate = inst.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps);
        if (shouldUpdate) {
            this._performComponentUpdate(nextElement, nextProps);
        } else {
            // if skipping the update,
            // still need to set the latest props
            inst.props = nextProps;

A Major Hole

There's a big problem with Feact's updating that we won't be addressing. It's making the assumption that when the update happens, it can keep using the same type of component.

In other words, Feact can handle this just fine

Feact.render(Feact.createElement(MyCoolComponent, { myProp: 'hi' }), root);
// some time passes
    Feact.createElement(MyCoolComponent, { myProp: 'hi again' }),

but it can't handle this

Feact.render(Feact.createElement(MyCoolComponent, { myProp: 'hi' }), root);
// some time passes
    Feact.createElement(SomeOtherComponent, { someOtherProp: 'hmmm' }),

In this case, the update swapped in a completely different component class. Feact will just naively grab the previous component, which would be a MyCoolComponent, and tell it to update with the new props { someOtherProp: 'hmmm'}. What it should have done is notice the component type changed, and instead of updating, unmounted MyCoolComponent and mounted SomeOtherComponent.

In order to do this, Feact would need:

  • some ability to unmount a component
  • notice the type change and head over to FeactReconciler.mountComponent instead of FeactComponent.receiveComponent

Did you spot the virtual DOM?

When React first came out, a lot of the hype was around the "virtual DOM". But the virtual DOM isn't really a concrete thing. It is more a concept that all of React (and Feact) accomplish together. There isn't anything inside React called VirtualDOM or anything like that. Instead prevElement and nextElement together capture the diff from render to render, and FeactDOMComponent applies the diff into the actual DOM.


And with that, Feact is able to update components, albeit only through Feact.render(). That's not too practical, but we'll improve things next time when we explore setState().

To wrap things up, here is a fiddle encompassing all that we've done so far

JS Fiddle

On to part four!