How I built this static site with Next.JS
A quick look at how I made a site that has almost no JavaScript, using a JavaScript framework.
React Internals Part Five: Transactions
In this final installment, we take a quick look at transactions and how they help React do its job.
React Internals Part Four: setState
Part four implements setState, an important function that drives much of what React does.
React Internals Part Three: Basic Updating
This part explores how React updates the DOM after props change.
React Internals Part Two: componentWillMount and componentDidMount
Today we are looking at how lifecycle methods in React work.
React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
This article series creates a small clone of React to learn how it works. We kick things off with the most basic of rendering.
Electron, Redux and Persistence
A strategy for persisting state in a Redux based Electron app.
A Game Made With Reagent
For the heck of it, I made a simple breakout game with Reagent
Reagent Rocks!
Reagent is a ClojureScript interface to React, and it is incredible.