Let's see how we can alter a game's logic in part 3 of my Neo Geo ROM hacking guide.
Now with part 1 and part 2 done, let's do what hacks are really about, changing how a game plays.
For this part, we will be changing the controls of the game Puzzle Bobble. Pressing right on the joystick will make the shooter go left, and vice versa. For sure, a really dumb hack. But it's a very simple one, so it's ideal for a guide like this.
Prereq: part 2
This part of the guide builds on what we did in part 2. I highly recommend reading and working through that part first, otherwise this part probably won't make much sense.
Prereq: companion repo
Just like in part two, this part has a companion repo on GitHub. Clone it locally and set it up just like the companion repo was from part 2.
Figuring out where the game reads input
We want to flip the inputs (ie, joystick commands), so the first step is figure out where the game reads those inputs. A game on the Neo Geo can get inputs in two ways (for player one, player two works the same just using different addresses)
- Read
: This byte will have its bits set based on what the joystick is doing. This comes directly from the joystick and is kinda "raw". A lot of games don't use this. - Read
: This is similar toREG_P1CNT
, but only populated if the game called theSYSTEM_IO
routine. That is a function call to the BIOS. It will read the input off ofREG_P1CNT
, and set up these bytes accordingly. It has some niceties, for example the routine will set the bits inBIOS_P1CHANGE
) for any input that have just been pushed this frame. Most games get their input this way.
is documented here in the wiki, and the BIOS input bytes are here.
In both cases, the byte sets the same bits for the inputs
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 ||---|---|---|---|-------|------|------|----|| D | C | B | A | Right | Left | Down | Up |
However they use opposite values to indicate what is pressed. REG_P1CNT
sets 1
to indicate an input is not active, and 0
if it is. This is the opposite of what most people would expect, but it matches how the hardware works. SYSTEM_IO
will flip the values when setting its BIOS_P1*
bytes, so 1
means an input is pressed.
So if the player is pressing left on the joystick and button A, BIOS_P1CURRENT
will be 00010100
will be 11101011
Spying on Puzzle Bobble's input reads
Does Puzzle Bobble use REG_P1CNT
? Only one way to find out, let's set a watchpoint on BIOS_P1CURRENT
and see if the game reads it
Launch MAME with the debugger (mame ... -debug
) and play the game until you're in single player gameplay. Then press F11 to pause the game via the debugger (make sure the debugger window has focus). Then in the debugger's command line, set a watchpoint,
wpset 10FD96 ,1,r,wpdata != 0
This says, "break into the debugger when the game reads 10FD96
(which is BIOS_P1CURRENT
) and the byte found there is not zero". We want the "not zero" part because we only want to break when there is some input happening, as that is more interesting to trace through usually.
Now start the game up again (type go
or press F5), and then press right. The game should break again because of our watchpoint, and you should see something like this

But notice the address, C16CAC
. If we take a peak at the 68k memory map, we see from C00000
is the system ROM (aka BIOS). So this is the BIOS working with BIOS_P1CURRENT
, which we're not too interested in. Hit F5 to continue and it will immediately break again

The debugger is now stopped at 101C
, which is inside the game ROM. Watchpoints always break one line after the memory operation has happened, so one line after the read of BIOS_P1CURRENT
. If we look one line up, we see
001016 move .b $10fd96 .l, D0
Yup, for sure the game is reading BIOS_P1CURRENT
and saving it into the D0 register. If you look over in the register pane, D0 should be 00000308
. Wait, 308
? move.b
will only move a byte of data into a register at its lowest byte. Whatever was already in the register above that byte is left alone. So in D0, the 000003
part is data that was put there before, we can just ignore it. 08
is the byte that came from BIOS_P1CURRENT
, if we write that out in binary we get 00001000
, and if we look above at the input to bits diagram, yup, that's direction right on the joystick.
Ok cool, the game is reading the input, moving it into a register, then what? Take a look down at the next few lines of code
001016: 1039 0010 FD96 move .b $10fd96 .l, D000101C: 4600 not .b D000101E: 1B40 A25C move .b D0, (-$5da4,A5)001022: 4600 not .b D0001024: C400 and .b D0, D2001026: 1B42 A264 move .b D2, (-$5d9c,A5)00102A: 142D A25D move .b (-$5da3,A5), D200102E: 1B42 A261 move .b D2, (-$5d9f,A5)001032: 1039 0010 FD9C move .b $10fd9c .l, D0
So it not
s the input on the next line (that flips all the bits), then writes it off into memory somewhere (move.b D0, (-$5da4,a5)
), not
s it again, flipping all the bits back, and
s it with whatever is in D2, saves that value off somewhere, moves a couple more bytes around, then reads $10fd9c
into D0.
Turns out $10fd9c
. So it's probably safe to assume it's done with player one's input as it has moved onto player 2 (even though player 2 isn't currently playing. This routine is the main gameplay input routine for all game types).
So it's doing a few things to the input it read from BIOS_P1CURRENT
, but eh, we don't really care. Let the game do what it does. Based on reading this code, we can probably safely assume if we can just stick a byte into D0 that represents the input, but with left and right flipped, the game probably won't know and we will successfully flip the input.
How can we know that for sure? Well, we can't, at least not without a lot more investigating. But let's just try it and see what happens.
Injecting fake input
So at line 1016
it reads the input, then immediately does stuff with it, and then moves onto player two's input. Reading the input took six bytes, you can tell because the disassembly shows the bytes
001016: 1039 0010 FD96 move .b $10fd96 .l, D0
1039 0010 FD96
are the six bytes that equate to move.b ...
So if we want to inject some of our own code, six bytes is not a lot of room. What to do?
Thankfully the jsr
opcode (jump to subroutine) is also six bytes. This causes the game to jump somewhere else, run the code that is there, then when it encounters rts
(return from subroutine), it will go back to where it was. So we can replace the move.b
with a jsr
, put our code into the new subroutine, and we then have plenty of room to do whatever we want.
What if we had only ohhh 4 bytes of room? If we swapped in a jsr, it would take up those 4 bytes plus 2 bytes of the next opcode, corrupting it. What you can do is inside of the new subroutine you're about to write, first have it recreate whatever got corrupted. This will still leave some corrupted bytes behind, but they can be "erased" with nop, which is an opcode that does nothing. In general if you don't have much room, you can pretty much always force a jsr and just fix up the mess after the fact.
The opposite can also be fixed. For example if we had 8 bytes of room, we could place our jsr into it, and then use a nop to "soak" up the left over 2 bytes.
Writing our subroutine
What should our subroutine do? If right is pressed, we need to make the game think left is, and vice versa. It will essentially be this, but in assembly
D0 = read(BIOS_P1CURRENT);
if (D0 & 0x8) { // right is pressed, clear out the right input bit D0 = D0 & 0xf7; // ensure the left input bit is set D0 = D0 | 0x4;} else if (D0 & 0x4) { // left is pressed, clear out the left input bit D0 = D0 & 0xfb; // ensure the right input bit is set D0 = D0 | 0x8;} else { // neither left nor right are pressed, so do nothing }
// leave our faked input in D0, so the game will use it
Subroutines in Puzzle Bobble follow a simple, unwritten rule. Whenever the game jumps to one, that subroutine is free to use the data registers in anyway it pleases. The address registers are more complex, they are used as a way to pass "parameters" to the subroutine. For example set an address in A4, jump to a subroutine, and that routine will read from and write to A4 to accomplish what it needs. This is how Puzzle Bobble reuses routines for both players. They will set one memory address for player one, and a different address for player two.
Where did this rule come from? Probably the developers who wrote the game just agreed to it. Assembly is kind of a wild west, you can do whatever you want. As long as all the parts of the game agree and work together, it will all work out in the end. Other games might push parameters onto the stack instead of using the address registers, for example.
The reason I'm explaining this is because we are about to force the game to jump to a new subroutine it didn't know about. So the game isn't prepared for its data registers to be clobbered. So our subroutine needs to follow a different rule, leave (most) everything as you found it. For us, we need to set the input into D0, and it's best to leave all other data registers alone, as we don't know what the game needs them for.
If your subroutine needs to use more data registers, there are two general approaches you can take:
- Save off the data register values out in memory with
(move multiple). Then before callingrts
, restore the registers by reading the values back into them from memory. When doing this, it's important to pick a spot in memory the game isn't using, as clobbering the game's memory values is just as bad as clobbering its data registers. - Investigate the game more and see which of the data registers it's really using. If it's only using D0 and D1, then D2 through D7 are fair game, for example. You typically only need to look for usage up to an
, as once the game returns from its own subroutines, the data registers are effectively "reset" due to the "unwritten rule" the game developers used.
Our subroutine, in assembly
With all of that out of the way, let's write the new subroutine
move.b $10fd96 , D0 ; load BIOS_P1CURRENT into D0move.b # 0, D6 ; initialize our fake input with zero
;;;;;;;; check for right input , if so , switch it over to be on left ;;;;btst # 3, D0 ; first , is right even pressed ?beq checkLeft ; if not , let's go check left move.b # 4, D6 ; put a left input into D6bra reformInput ; skip the left check
;;;;;;;; check for left input , if so , switch it over to be on right ;;;;checkLeft:btst # 2, D0 ; first , is left even pressed ?beq reformInput ; no , then nothing to flip move.b # 8, D6 ; put a right input into D6
;;;;;;;; reform the input ;;;;reformInput:andi.b #$fb , D0 ; clear out the real left input andi.b #$f7 , D0 ; clear out the real right input or.b D6, D0 ; combine our fake left /right with ; the rest of the real input ; leaving it in D0 where the game ; expects to find it
If you're not too familiar with assembly this probably looks pretty crazy. It's pretty much doing the same thing as the non-assembly code snippet above. btst
is "bit test", and we are using it to see what inputs are pressed. We setup our fake input into the D6 register. Then in the reformInput
section, we erase any real left or right input there may be with andi
, and then or
ing D0 and D6 together arrives at our final faked input.
We just leave the fake input in D0 and exit, as that is where the game expects to find it.
We also used D6, and didn't save or restore it. If the game was using D6 for something, we just caused a bug or likely a crash. I have investigated what the game is doing at this point and it's not using D6, so we are OK to use it like this.
Patching the game
Now with our subroutine ready to go, let's inject it into the game and give it a whirl.
First, we create a JSON patch file that src/patchRom
can read.
[ { "patchDescription": "Flips left and right on the joystick for player one" }, { "type": "prom", "description": "Flip the inputs" , "address": "1016", "subroutine": true, "patchAsm": [ "move.b $10fd96, D0 ; load BIOS_P1CURRENT into D0" , "move.b #0, D6 ; initialize our fake input with zero" ,
";;;; check for right input, if so, switch it over to be on left" , "btst #3, D6 ; first, is right even pressed?" , "beq checkLeft ; if not, let's go check left" , "move.b #4, D6 ; put a left input into D6" , "bra reformInput ; skip the left check" ,
"checkLeft:", "btst #2, D6 ; first, is left even pressed?" , "beq reformInput ; no, then nothing to flip" , "move.b #8, D6 ; put a right input into D6" ,
"reformInput:", ";;;; reform the input" , "andi.b #$fb, D0 ; clear out the real left input" , "andi.b #$f7, D0 ; clear out the real right input" , "or.b D6, D0 ; place our flipped input onto the input" ,
"rts" ] }]
Oh ouch, putting all that assembly into a string array is painful. Sadly that's what patchRom can work with (so far). Like I said in part 2, these tools are raw.
By specifying "subroutine": true
, patchRom will find some room at the end of the P ROM, stick our new code there, and then insert a jsr
at 1016
for us.
If you run yarn ts-node src/patchRom/main.ts src/patches/flipControls.json
from the ROM hack repo, you'll get the patch applied to your copy of Puzzle Bobble.
Verifying the patch
Fire up MAME with the debugger again. Then hit Ctrl-D to open the disassembly window. Enter 7FFAE
as the address, and you should see something like this

Our new routine starts at 7FFFCE
, before that notice the ROM is just a bunch of FF
bytes? That is because Puzzle Bobble is not using the entire P ROM space. FF
is a common filler byte in Neo Geo Roms. The P ROM ends at 7FFFF
, and you can see that as 80000
on is zeroes.
patchRom took our routine, assembled it into bytes, figured out how many bytes it ended up being, and then stuck our routine at the very back of the P ROM. Since our routine is 32 bytes (in hex, 50 in decimal), its location ended up being 7FFCE
, ie $80000 - $32
Now if we navigate to about 1010
, we can see the jsr that was added at 1016

and it's jumping to 7FFCE
, which is where our new subroutine starts.
And with that the controls are now flipped. A very simple — and dumb — hack, but it shows how to make logic changes pretty nicely.
My rotary-bobble hack is following the same principles outlined in this guide, it's just a bigger hack.
As I mentioned in part 2, I know of no good way to distribute a Neo Geo ROM hack due to Neo games being a zip bundle of many ROM files. I'm still exploring this, and have some ideas. Hopefully I'll be able to share a simple solution.