Finding Neo Geo Tiles
How to locate a sprite tile in a Neo Geo game's C ROMs
An E-Reader Mystery
Solving a mystery about an E-Reader function
Nintendo E-Reader: Simple Fixed Point
The E-Reader API uses a nice and simple fixed point system
Printing Nintendo E-Reader Cards, More Learnings
Even more experience and hard knocks on printing E-Reader cards
Cramming Solitaire onto a Nintendo E-Reader card
Making a new game from scratch for Nintendo's forgotten peripheral
CPU Driving Part 1: Waypoints
How can you make a CPU car drive around a track in a video game?
Neo Geo Dev: Fixed Point Numbers
Let's take a look at how to work with decimal numbers on an ancient cpu.
ROM Hacking Learnings
Now that I have a finished a big ROM hack, some random thoughts on the process.
Neo Geo ROM Hacking: Digging Into MAME Traces
How I used MAME's tracing to figure out a how a Neo Geo game works
MAME Lua for Better Retro Dev
How I used MAME's Lua integration to greatly improve my retro development experience
Neo Geo ROM Hacking Guide Part 3: Changing Logic
Let's see how we can alter a game's logic in part 3 of my Neo Geo ROM hacking guide.
Neo Geo ROM Hacking Guide Part 2: Changing Graphics
Let's see how we can alter a game's graphics in part 2 of my Neo Geo ROM hacking guide.
Neo Geo ROM Hacking Guide Part 1: Intro and Background
Let's get started learning how to make Neo geo ROM hacks.
MAME Debugging
Here are some tips and a small guide on how to use MAME for debugging more effectively
Discerning the Super Metroid Map with BizHawk and Lua
How I reverse engineered the Super Metroid map with brute force.
Why I always use setTimeout, and never setInterval
When doing something repeatedly in JavaScript, I always use setTimout and never setInterval, here is why
Using Google Drive for form submissions
Need to collect form data? Don't want to stand up a server? You can use Google Drive.
How I built this static site with Next.JS
A quick look at how I made a site that has almost no JavaScript, using a JavaScript framework.
Extracting Neo Geo Emulator Graphics Data to Create Animated gifs
Web Assembly lets us bring native applications right into the browser.
By porting a game emulator to Web Assembly, I was able to reach into its memory to build animated gifs.
Squeezing the Arduboy For Every Byte
The Arduboy is an Arduino based game console with very limited storage space.
This article shows some techniques I used to use the space efficiently.
React Internals Part Five: Transactions
In this final installment, we take a quick look at transactions and how they help React do its job.
React Internals Part Four: setState
Part four implements setState, an important function that drives much of what React does.
React Internals Part Three: Basic Updating
This part explores how React updates the DOM after props change.
React Internals Part Two: componentWillMount and componentDidMount
Today we are looking at how lifecycle methods in React work.
React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
This article series creates a small clone of React to learn how it works. We kick things off with the most basic of rendering.
Electron, Redux and Persistence
A strategy for persisting state in a Redux based Electron app.
The Sega Saturn and Transparency
The Saturn's complex hardware architecture meant implementing semi-transparent entities in a game was challenging.
This interactive article explains the conundrum, and shows why game developers often settled for inferior alternatives.
Impromptu Web Scraping
The browser's dev console can be a nice tool to extract data from a webpage.
JavaScript is a pass by value language
JavaScript always passes parameters by value. This post explores what that means.
Embedding SVG Into a Reagent Component
Using Clojure macros to embed an SVG into a Reagent component.
A Game Made With Reagent
For the heck of it, I made a simple breakout game with Reagent
ClojureScript Internals: Vectors
A detailed dive into how vectors in ClojureScript work.
Reagent Rocks!
Reagent is a ClojureScript interface to React, and it is incredible.
Pair Programming Is Not a Panacea
Pair programming can be great, but it can also be terrible.
This article explores when to pair, when not to, and why some of us don't like it.
JavaScript Promises ... in Wicked Detail
A detailed article that implements a simple Promise type from scratch.
By building the Promise implementation gradually, it shows the why and how of Promises.
Dynamic Lighting and Shadows In My 2D Game
How I used shaders in WebGL to accomplish lighting and shadows in a 2D game.
Waking Up At 5am To Code
For a while I woke up early to work on projects before going to work. Here's a quick summary of how it went.